
Tamburin 1 Audio Cd
Tamburin 1 Audio Cd

(Imitative repetition) f) Pronunciation practice without cassette: g) initial h: place a small piece of paper on the back of the hand. whispering, quietly, loudly, happily, in a high voice,…P imitate exactly. A 6 Ratet mal! A 8 eins, zwei, drei Fußball, Verstecken, Blindekuh, Würfeln, Fangen, Indianer, Lego, Domino, Karten, Memory (Indianer) und (Verstecken) A 1 Song: Hallo! Guten Morgen! Material: Football, deck of cards, dice, dominos, memory a) T greets the Ps: Hallo, Kinder/NN! Guten Morgen,…! b) Listen to the first verse on the cassette: At "Komm, wir spielen" T holds up football/cards c) T to Ps: Komm, wir spielen!" T and Ps play without words d) Do the same with the second verse e) Practise: "Hallo! Guten Morgen! Komm, wir spielen!" T speaks with a variety of voice levels, e.g.

Tamburin 1 Audio Cd

CD 2 Teaching Tips (T = teacher P = pupil HP = hand puppet) Lesson 1: Ich und du A Singing and playing Overview of the new language material Sentence Structures Vocabulary A 1 Hallo NN/Kinder! Guten Morgen! Komm/Los, wir spielen! A 2 Was denn? Ach nein.

Tamburin 1 Audio Cd